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Mims Publishing

Arabian Rock Art

Project Seagrass


Carnegie Museum

of Natural History

Phipps Conservancy


Highlights Children's Magazine

Bicycle Times

Dirt Rag

Buffalo Spree

City Paper





"... For such a book, anatomy is crucial, but to elevate the story to a different level, the illustrator must also be able to tell a story with their art. Amanda does that skillfully, using images to build drama and excitement.

It’s the small things that matter. - Darcy Pattison, 

1 5 d e c e m b e r 2 0 2 2 | i n d i e | k i r k u s . c o m

Media Kit for Amanda Zimmerman

Link to Press release

Social Media:




Link to articles about Amanda Zimmerman

Link to current and upcoming exhibitions

Link to artist journal/ blog

Art Info

  • Oils, watercolors, and digital art

  • Realism but like in a disoriented dream that's not quiet complete. 

Artist Statement

As a young artist, Amanda was enthralled by Michael Whelan and Darrell K Sweet’s sci-fantasy book cover illustrations and endeavored to recreate those otherworldly images. She received formal science illustration schooling through Phipps Botanical Art program and freelanced in that field for many years, finding nature has its’ own ‘otherworldy’ appeal. She has illustrated a book about Diego, a Galapagos giant tortoise, exhibited a show on seahorses and their kin and had her work selected for exhibit at the New York State Museum. 


She is returning to the richness and power of oils to examine the bits of otherworldliness that exist in our day-to-day world. Amanda was born in Arizona and went to art school in the West (Denver, CO); lived in the South (Amarillo, TX), and the North (Duluth, MN) and now resides in the East (Pittsburgh, PA). She already has plans for another body of work inspired by our kinship with dogs and horses.



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